歌名叫《Stand Up》
Look at all the lonely hearts
Shivering out in the dark
Hiding from the truth
Cover up the proof
Demons that I've tried to hide
Imprison me in my own lies
And all that I can do is cover up the proof
Don't be afraid to...
Stand up!
Stand up if you're broken
Stand up!
Stand up if you feel ashamed
You are not alone when you hurt this way
Stand up!
Stand up if you need love
Stand up!
This is not judgment day
You don't have to hide
There's no need to run
Everything will be okay
Secrets got me torn apart
Trying to destroy my heart
But I can see the light
It's cutting through the night
Don't run away
(Don't run away)
Don't be afraid to...
Stand up!
Stand up if you're broken
Stand up!
Stand up if you feel ashamed
You are not alone when you hurt this way
Stand up!
Stand up if you need love
Stand up!
This is not judgment day
You don't have to hide
There's no need to run
Everything will be okay
You say You love me
That's all I'll ever need
If You say I'm good enough
That's good enough for me
Stand up!
Stand up if you're broken
Stand up!
Stand up if you feel ashamed
You are not alone when you hurt this way
Stand up!
Stand up if you need love
Stand up!
This is not judgment day
You don't have to hide
There's no need to run
Everything will be okay
Stand up!
Stand up if you're broken
Stand up!
This is not judgment day
世界杯足球赛(官方名称:2010 FIFA World Cup South Africa)是国际足联第十九届世界杯足球赛,于2010年6月11日至7月11日在南非9个城市的10个球场举行,由来自世界各地的32支球队参加赛事,进行64场比赛决定冠军队伍。
Stand Up (Champions’Theme) 站起来 (Goleo VI+意大利人帕吉欧热情洋溢新作)
原版:Pet Shop Boys---GO WEST
06世界杯每场比赛结束后,球场内都会播放一首名为 STAND UP的歌,根据Pet shop boys 的go west旋律重新写的词。
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